How to use a 3D printer? [Step By Step Beginner’s Guide]

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3D printing is a procedure of creating 3-dimensional artifacts on a computer or from digital files. Three-dimensional objects are created by additive processes in which an object or item is made by laying down consecutive layers of materials until the object is created.

3D printers have a variety of sizes, shapes, and types but they are all digitally controlled additive machines. They also have a wide range of applications. 3D printing designers use these applications to test their product ideas and to make difficult parts of assemblies. These applications are also used for DIY fabrication to create different designs. Although there are different varieties in 3D printers, all of them can be described as tools and they help makers to create things easier.

Fast prototyping

3-dimensional printers have very little setup costs. They can be used to create custom design parts quickly and at a lower price. Other CNC machines may require machined fixtures or molds, for each new part, which Increases their setup cost. With the help of 3D printers, a design can be made instantly and cheaply and it can be tested, modified, and printed multiple times.

Intricate geometries

3D printing is an amazing process just by pressing a button. Other methods including Lathy, drill press, or milling machine need a lot of work and they need to be operated by the manufacturer.

The design needs to be measured by machine and aligned by the user which may result in human error in the creation of the object. 3-dimensional printers can create a wide range of parts with intricate geometries that include natural shapes for instance animal models, real huge buildings, prosthetic limbs, and other complicated shapes.

3D printers provide a lot of opportunities to manufacturers and allow them to create things easily they couldn’t before  

Step by step guide for beginners:

 To give an idea of the entire process of 3D printing I will show you some basics of 3-dimensional printing and how it can be used.

Step 1: unbox

First of all, remove the 3D printer from the box. Make sure that you have removed all the materials including zip ties and tape from the box.

Step 2: Prepare the built plate

Stick your printer properly to the bed. You can also use Hairspray, blue painter’s tape, Polyimide tape, or Build Tak sheets.

Step 3: heat up is your new printer

The next step is to heat up your new 3D printer and load the filament of your choice. For beginners, PLA is recommended to use because it is easy and fast.

It is highly recommended to familiarize your 3D printing material because there are lots of filaments that require special heat requirements for sticking to the bed and preserving an overall print.

Step 4: loading and unloading of plastic filament

Some printers give you the option of loading and unloading filament in the main controller menu and others do not. It all depends on the model of 3-dimensional printers. Ensure that the extruder of the printer is not loaded with filament. The reason is that the factory tested the machine and it may contain a strip in the printer’s extruder. If you find a plastic filament you just have to remove it. It can easily be done by pressing the button or release the lever.

Step 5: Level the bed

Putting the bed at an equal level is not an easy process. It can take a lot of time and create frustration. If the build plate is not properly leveled or balanced, it results in inaccurate prints. So you have to be very careful about leveling the bed.

After leveling the bed, you need to set the desired value in software so that the 3D printer distinguishes the gap between the build plate and the nozzle.

Step 6: you are now ready to do 3D printing

At this step, get your digital file ready using your beside slicer and load a g code file. 3D printing or using a 3D printer is not an easy task. Plug and play 3D printers work easily, but the user has to be wise while choosing a 3D printing machine because every user is likely to face a problem in 3D printing at one point.

Here are some tips for easy 3D printing for you

1. Select a 3d printer with good support

There are many 3D printers available online, they may be cheap, but when it comes to buying a 3D printer for you, you have to be very careful about it. It is highly recommended to consider the brand that has proper online support availability. It is desired if you can buy from your local supplier for easy support.

In this regard, if you find any problem, you can easily approach your local supplier and call them to fix it. Otherwise, you have to wait for days or weeks to get it fixed.

2. Set the nozzle and properly level the print bed

Properly setting the nozzle and leveling the bed can improve the quality of 3D printing. To make it easy you can also use a simple sheet of paper to estimate the distance between the bed and the nozzle.

3. Check the temperature of the nozzle

Ensure the temperature of the nozzle is moderate. If it is too hot, it can give strings of filament between parts. The too hot nozzle can melt the earlier layers when building tall pieces, those results in malformation.

4. Use the right tools

It is necessary to use the right tools to set up the 3D printing machine and for your safety. You need to equip yourself with the below mentioned materials.

  • Index card
  • screwdriver
  • flash cutters
  • heat resistant gloves
  • brush
  • clean cotton cloth
  • calipers
  • razor blade
  • dish soap
  •  Isopropyl Alcohol

5. Find the moderate spot of your printer’s temperature

Finding the right temperature for your 3D printer is not easy. As the 3D printing machine prints the object, each separate layer shrinks as it gets cools that results in eds pull away from the plate. When the bed temperature is hot the printing model may develop the ‘elephant foot’. For this, you need to reduce the bed temperature for the next print.

6. Use heat resistant gloves

To avoid the injury you must have heat-resistant gloves so that if you have to touch anything in the machine, while it is working, you can touch it with your covered hands.


3D printing requires professional skills. It may take your time and your knowledge of all the parts of your machine so that you can print properly. You may also require spending your time on software to create and slice a 3-dimensional model as they are necessary printing processes.

The bright side of 3DPrinting is that you can earn a lot of money once you are skilled and familiar with your machine. So use the tips that I have mentioned in this article for a successful printing experience.

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