Are you always starting your new year with a list of resolutions that end up unrealized? We’ll help you make sure that this year is different! The fact that you’re here proves that you’re looking for ways to revamp your art and add a creative flair to your sketches.
Luckily, you’re in the right place, as we’ve curated a list with some of the best drawing ideas that’ll take your imagination to all new heights and help you diversify your art style. So, without any further ado, grab your pencil and sketches, and let us walk you through our drawing ideas that are accessible to all levels of artists.
1. State License Plates
Let’s kick off our list with a sketch that speaks to all the travelholics out there. Draw different license plates, and fill them up with what comes to your mind when you think of that particular state. Everyone has some affinity to different places, and this sketch will take you down memory lane!
2. Unlikely Links
Think of two unrelated things, and integrate them into the same sketch. We came up with this idea while listening to “Astronaut In The Ocean” by Masked Wolf. Music can be a great inspiration!
3. Faces, Faces Everywhere

What about drawing some items that you use daily? Easy, right? We have a twist for you! Add faces to such objects, and try to make them as expressive as possible. For example, your office tie can look all business-like with its sleepy eyes getting ready for a new day at work.
4. Perfect Retreat
Design your castle with all the commodities that make it the perfect retreat. Pamper yourself with all the luxuries that come to mind while paying attention to the exterior design of the castle.

5. Upside Down

Imagine your world turned upside down! We mean it in a literal way! Don’t cheat, though. We don’t want you just to flip the sheet of paper and call it a day. Instead, exercise drawing your room with everything flipped upside down.
6. Superheroes

Design your own superhero with their unique set of powers. You can throw in some familiar faces of your loved ones and show them the final results.
7. LEGO Everything

What would your frequently visited places look like if they were built in LEGO? That’s precisely what we want your mind to sink into for your next sketch.
8. Album Covers
Next up, let’s design new cover art for your favorite music albums. Illustrate how the music makes you feel, and let your pencil express your state of mind when you listen to that particular song.
9. Zero-Gravity

Imagine your house was eaten up by a portal and transported to outer space. Apply a zero-gravity effect, and make your surroundings float.
10. Dreams Come True
After waking up in the morning, take a moment to remember an iconic visual memory from a dream you had. Take a snapshot of that scene in your head, and sketch it while commuting to your school or work.
11. Satellite View

It’s all about perspective! So, for our next sketch, we want to imagine how your favorite spots will look from a satellite. But, of course, we don’t want a one-to-one recreation as you aren’t Google Earth, after all, so spare no chance to be creative.
12. Animals With Fur Made of Flowers

Draw your favorite furry animal, and instead of the fur, add flowers in its place. Choose the flower type wisely, so it expresses the animal’s character and tells a visual story.
13. Lock and Key

Design an intricate lock and key mechanism. Put all your anti-theft ideas to the test as you doodle the most secure locking system that you can think of. As always, creativity is key. So, don’t dismiss the idea of Gandalf from “Lord of the Rings” standing there as your gatekeeper.
14. Futuristic Technology
Cyberpunk themes with neon lights are taking over our pop culture. Try to imagine how future cities and everyday items might look fifty years from now.
15. Baby Animals

We’ve got another animal doodle for you, and this time around, we want you to channel all the cuteness in the world into your sketch. So, draw your favorite baby animal, and spare no effort to make it look the cutest it can be.
16. Caricature
We’ve made it clear that we’ll explore different artistic styles from the get-go, so we had to include a caricature entry somewhere on our list. Have fun drawing yourself as a caricature, and who knows, your friends might ask you for sketches when they see what you’ve come up with!
17. People on Your Commute

Let’s help you make the most of your commute time with this drawing idea. Grab your sketch, and doodle the people you see on your commute. You might even offer these sketches to the people to make their day.
18. Meals

Instagram has seen a spike in food posts, so why not follow the same trend while sketching? Draw the meals you eat throughout the day and use watercolors to make your sketches pop.
19. Crying Eyes

You’ve probably seen lots of sketches of eyes and asked yourself why artists keep coming to the same drawing idea over and over again. Eyes are pretty challenging to get right, as you need to pay close attention to the symmetry. Add a few tears to the mix, and you’ll have to think about reflections, which will test your drawing prowess.
20. The View From Your Window
Your bedroom window view is familiar to the point that you might overlook many of the details out there. This is your chance to pay a closer look at the world outside your window and discover details you’ve been missing for years. You can recreate this sketch idea for the different seasons.
21. Clouds

Everyone sees something different when looking at the clouds! That’s precisely what we want you to draw for your next sketch.
22. Sneakers

Design your most personal pair of sneakers, and throw in as many elements that express your personality and preferences. Who knows, you might get a call from Nike designers for a collaboration sometime soon!
23. Costumes for Your Pet
Imagine what your pet would look like in some of your favorite outfits, and sketch such costumes so that you’ll have some ideas ready for the next Halloween party.
24. Aliens

Aliens have always been a fascinating concept for us as kids, and we’ll bet our hard-earned cash that your younger self tried to doodle some aliens back in the day. Try to find one of those sketches, and recreate it as an adult.
25. Silhouettes
As for our next drawing idea, we want you to sketch the silhouette of objects you use daily. You can also repeat this same exercise with people or animals instead.
26. Robot
Design a unique robot that you’ll want to see in the near future. But take care what you wish for, as we don’t want to deal with a Terminator-like situation any time soon!
27. Patterns
Symmetry is always easy on the eyes! Our next exercise is all about giving you the utmost control over your pencil strokes. Draw symmetrical patterns to fill up your paper, and try to retain the same scale throughout your sketch.
28. Autumn Leaves
It’s fascinating how the simplest things around us are the most beautiful. An autumn leaf is the best example that proves our point. We encourage you to pick a leaf while walking in the park and bring it to your drawing disk. Get lost in the details, and try to replicate the texture and outlines of the leaf.
29. Butterfly
Bring all your color pencils to the table, as our next sketch is all about mixing and matching different color gradients to create the most satisfying-looking butterfly wings.
30. Money
We’ll wrap our list with one last drawing idea that emphasizes depth and shading. Scramble a one-dollar bill, and try to retain the 3D aspect on your 2D paper while sketching. This can be challenging at first; nevertheless, you’ll learn how the lighting direction influences the shadows’ path as you take on this project.
31. Pizza
Drawing pizza can be a lot of fun, especially if you get to pick the toppings! Are you going to cook a vegetable pizza, a pepperoni pizza, or a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple and ham?
32. Giant Octopus
If you have some spare time, I think you’ll love replicating this enormous octopus reference. I adore the level of detail in this drawing.
33. A Plant
Plants are fun to sketch because they appear fresh and vibrant on paper. You may make it as easy or as difficult as you like. When deciding a plant to sketch, keep your skill level in mind. If you can draw with a houseplant, that’s ideal. If you don’t know what to do, gaze out the window, draw from memory, or search for a photo online.
34. Dandelions
Every child knows that if you blow on a dandelion and make a wish, it will come true, much to the chagrin of gardeners everywhere, who consider them weeds. These edible flowers are a fun and simple sketching project.
35. Modern Witch
This piece of artwork depicts a fashionable witch with birds perched on her shoulder. I really like the colors that have been used here.
36. A Famous Building
It’s a nice concept to draw renowned structures from all across the world. You might choose your favorite structure or a location that she would like to visit. You may also make a collection of notable locations from all across the world. Sketching a structure or architecture necessitates a set of abilities that are vastly different from drawing a human.
37. Necklace, Bracelet or Rings
Jewelry may be a fun subject to sketch or draw, especially if it has sentimental value for you, such as a necklace or ring passed down through the generations or given to you by someone important.
38. Cloud Eyes
This artwork is quite innovative, and it looks like it would be a lot of fun to draw. To make your painting more interesting, color the clouds and stars.
39. Cityscape
If you’ve already attempted to sketch a well-known structure, try something even more ambitious. Why not sketch a cityscape to represent the frantic atmosphere of a big city? You may concentrate on the buildings, populate your cityscape with people, or draw it against a sunset backdrop. It’s all your decision!
40. Costumes for Cats
This cat costume art is adorable and inventive. The mummy cat and the candy corn cat are my favorites.
41. Your Home
Because the home has such a strong emotional connection, it’s a fun topic to sketch. You have the option of drawing your house from the inside or selecting a specific room within it. It’s entirely up to you whether you draw it realistically or add your own personal touches.
42. Ice Cream Cone
Ice cream comes in a variety of flavors, and there are many various shapes and sizes of cones to pick from, including cake cones, sugar cones, and waffle cones!
43. Bear Holding a Balloon
This is a painting that I adore and would want to duplicate. This would be a great beginner’s painting to try if you’re new to watercolor painting.
44. The Moon
If you prefer to draw at night, why not sketch the moon using inspiration from the night sky? You may draw it in a number of different ways. You might, for example, make it cartoony, realistic, or even mystical. Alternatively, draw the moon in each of its phases.
45. Haunted House
It’s not necessary to wait until Halloween to sketch a creepy and haunted house. Don’t overlook things like shattered windows and twisted fences, as well as the possibility of a few ghosts peering through the cracks.
46. Creative Deer
If you know someone who like deer, this would be a wonderful handcrafted present. I really like how the forests are mixed in with the deer. What a brilliant concept.
47. A Teapot
Another soothing picture is a teapot. You may have a lot of fun drawing your teapot’s curves and decorating it as you like.
48. Bridge
Bridges provide plenty of architectural inspiration to utilize as drawing ideas, whether you create a gorgeous covered bridge scene or a bridge that spans a river or harbor across the city.
49. Ostrich
This ostrich sketch appears to take a long time to create, but the end result will be well worth the effort.
50. A Newborn Baby
A lovely and emotive topic for artwork is a newborn infant. It’s extremely difficult to draw a newborn precisely, but it’s definitely worth the effort! It’ll also be a considerate present for the new parents.
Final Words
Now that we’ve walked you through our diverse list of drawing ideas, we can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with. Of course, we expect you to bring your own twist to the mix and create some original doodles that stand out!
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